Our Thoughts

Labrador Digital Solutions

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How & Why Companies Use Visuals to Communicate ESG Goals and Progress

In this thought piece, we explore different visual elements U.S. companies have used in their annual ESG reports to display progress towards meeting their ESG goals.

Leveraging Workiva for your ESG Report Design

Through the Workiva and Labrador partnership, companies can efficiently manage and design ESG reports, ensuring transparent, audit-ready publications with seamless collaboration and robust audit trail capabilities.

Accentuating Director Strengths in the Era of the Universal Proxy Card

This thought piece highlights ways to enhance company proxy disclosures to showcase the strengths and skills of director nominees.

Does your US company need to comply with the new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)?

This thought piece discusses some key considerations regarding CSRD requirements and their application to US-domiciled companies.

Explore by Labrador

This piece highlights our platform which enables users to identify evolving trends in Sustainability Reports, Annual Reports, and Proxy Statements to better meet investors’ needs.

Labrador Edit On Line (EOL)

Discover our innovative online tool that enables streamlined production and collaborative editing of corporate disclosures.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

This thought piece provides an overview of the goals and examples of how US companies have been disclosing alignment with the goals in their annual ESG or sustainability reports.

Messages from Leadership in Annual Reports

Discover how annual reports are now including insights from leaders beyond the CEO. This trend highlights deeper organizational unity and offers readers a broader view of business priorities.

How to Begin Your ESG Reporting Journey

Begin your ESG reporting journey with our step-by-step guide, which provides transparent direction on where to begin, helps you understand the importance of key reporting topics, and guides you in effectively communicating your ESG story.